Image credit: Lara Mani
Image credit: Lara Mani

Marine geoscience research at the University of Plymouth engages with key aspects of how our oceans interact with the wider earth system and is undertaken by our Centre for Research in Earth Sciences.

Past Climates and Ecosystems

Our researchers in this area use the marine fossil record (particularly foraminifera and heteropods) to understand how the earth’s climate has changed in the past and how ocean chemistry and ecosystems have responded to this change. 

This can help us predict how the oceans might react to future predicted climate change and ocean acidification.

Predicted atmospheric warming
Research vessel, from a geology field trip.

Formation and evolution of the ocean crust

The formation of new ocean crust at mid-ocean ridges is a fundamental component of the plate tectonic cycle and exhibits strong influences on the broader Earth system. 

Researchers at the University of Plymouth regularly participate in International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP) expeditions that retrieve cores from the seafloor that allow scientific questions regarding the formation and evolution of ocean crust to be addressed.

Tsunami hazards

Underwater earthquakes and landslides can lead to tsunamis and so understanding how these geological phenomena interact with the oceans is important for predicting these hazards.

This research is a collaboration between researchers in our COAST lab and geoscientists.

Marine Building COAST laboratory Wave Flume.

Marine geosciences staff