UPBEAT gives you the tools to teach yourself, and your team, about how to make positive changes to your healthcare systems.

  • Quality improvement teaching for healthcare workers and their team
  • Available offline lectures on leadership skills and how to begin a quality improvement project.
  • Try this with your team now, and see how you can improve patient care!
UPBEAT gives you the tools to teach yourself, and your team, about how to make positive changes to your healthcare systems and improve patient care through learning about the ‘The Science of Improvement’ and the ‘Art of Leadership’.
The course is based upon the belief that learning how to make sustainable change requires a combination of skills; knowledge of improvement methodology, team working, leadership, patient-centered care and an understanding of how to create a positive culture for change.  We also believe these skills must be learned through doing real-life quality improvement (QI) projects.
UPBEAT embraces virtual teaching to reach a wider audience and empower frontline healthcare workers, in settings where QI is not established practice to lead changes in healthcare systems. The team believes that online learning has far reaching environmental benefits as well as the opportunity to provide open access to resources.
The q4a (quality for all) faculty of Future Health Africa (www.futurehealthafrica.org) designed the 'SPRINGBOARD' programme in Kenya 2015 (https://www.futurehealthafrica.org/q4a).  It empowers frontline healthworkers to improve their systems and quality of care by applying the 'Science of Improvement' and the 'Art of Leadership', learned through conducting live QI projects.  q4a has kindly donated its resources to this project.
A special thanks:
  • q4a team 
  • Dr Timothy Panga -Chief Executive Officer at Nanyuki Teaching and Referral Hospital and q4a Kenya Lead
  • University of Zambia Family Medicine Trainees 
Family Medicine Trainees University of Zambia (Day 2 Video)

Family Medicine Trainees at the University of Zambia in Lusaka learnt about QI online. After this online teaching they went on to plan and carry out these quality improvement projects in Lusaka. The trainees talk about their experiences here. This video can be played during Day 2 of UPBEAT course.
SPRINGBOARD Course: Grace Karoki, Nanyuki Hospital in Kenya

Grace Karoki a paediatric nurse at Nanyuki Hospital in Kenya talks about the SPRINGBOARD course and how it helped her plan and carry out a quality improvement project. This video can be played during Day 2 of UPBEAT course.

Produced by Dr Emily Cant, Improving Global Health Fellow, contributions by Dr Sophie Foot, Improving Global Health Fellow

If you have any questions about the course please email: emilycant@doctors.org.uk