Robert Witton

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This event took place on Wednesday 28 February 2024
We are proud to present the Inaugural Professorial Lecture of Professor Robert Witton 
Oral diseases, despite being preventable, continue to be a major public health problem in England, placing a significant cost on society and the NHS. Moreover, poor oral health disproportionately affects the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society, and there are stark examples of these oral health inequalities in our local communities. 
In his inaugural lecture, Professor Robert Witton spoke about his career to date, his journey into the specialty of dental public health, and his broad academic interests spanning his roles in dental education, public health, and community dentistry. 
He described some examples of his work in the community, including how he supports students to better understand the oral healthcare needs of disadvantaged population groups. He also explained the development of new models of dental healthcare, including the award-winning Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise (PDSE) CIC, and how research and evaluation of dental services and oral health programmes are having a positive impact in local communities and further afield.  
A General Dental Council registered specialist and Consultant in Dental Public Health, Robert is Professor of Community Dentistry and has a broad portfolio of interests across education, clinical leadership, dental services, public health, social enterprise and health policy. Arriving at Peninsula Dental School in 2008 to undertake his higher specialty training in dental public health and assuming a substantive role in 2012 he now has a leading role in school strategy and is the Chief Executive of Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise (PDSE) CIC – the main clinical placement provider for students from the dental school offering oral treatment to NHS patients across the South West.
Robert is passionate about preventing oral disease and promoting oral health in the UK and internationally, making quality oral healthcare affordable, accessible and available for all.
There was an opportunity for Robert to answer questions at the end of his lecture. 
You are welcome to join us for University of Plymouth's Inaugural Professorial Lecture series, which provide a milestone event in a professorial career. Through these we can promote and celebrate the academic reputation and achievements within their research.  

Transforming lives through improved oral health

Improving a person’s oral health gives them greater confidence and pride. From there, they feel empowered, enough to make transformational life choices. It is an incredibly important aspect of personal health. And seeing the impact can be hugely rewarding.”
Community dentistry
PDSE image

Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise (PDSE)

PDSE is a Community Interest Company (CIC) committed to improving oral health across the South West. They run dental education facilities in Plymouth, Truro and Exeter, where students from the University treat NHS patients; improve awareness of oral health in the wider community, focusing on groups such as schoolchildren, the elderly, parents, those with specific conditions, people with special needs, substance abusers, the homeless and prisoners; and ensure access to dental care for all, but especially for those groups who may feel excluded from mainstream dentistry.

Public Research Programme

The year-long programme of public events showcases our research across a spectrum of topics. It presents the Inaugural Professorial Lecture series which celebrates the achievements of our academics who have been awarded their professorship; providing a platform for which they can share insights into their esteemed research.
All are welcome to join us as our academics open the door to the intriguing world of research, inviting you to learn more about the fascinating work taking place across the University.
Roland Levinsky Building at night