Lawrence Dartmoor

Alex: exploring tropical biology under extreme conditions

We came back and the rain just didn’t stop. It turned into a hurricane and we were stranded in the flooding forest for several days, which was terrifying.

Despite weeks of volcanic isolation, immersion in tropical storms and floods – as well as endless insect bites – our Central American research opportunity was unforgettable and I wouldn’t hesitate to go back.

This unique research opportunity – which sought to understand rich biological communities and identify new reptile and amphibian species – was the first of its kind in one of Costa Rica’s protected tropical ecosystems.

Read more about Alex's research

Alex’s award winning photograph of the The bare-hearted glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum).
Alex Edwards and colleague in Costa Rica.
An eyelash viper snake (Bothriechis schlegelii) wrapped around a branch of a tree.

Zoe: exploring global warming in the world’s greatest wilderness

Map of Antarctica

Antarctica is one of the last untouched areas of the world and is the perfect place to explore the true effects of global warming.

We have no need for keys, mobile phones or money. Our nearest neighbours are located at an Argentinian base over 100km away.

We have to be completely self-sufficient during year-long research in one of the most isolated places on the planet.

Read more about Zoe's work

Zoe Waring
My work base: Rothera research station
Winter climbing

Mae: exploring biodiversity in rich underwater environments

Already entranced by the magic of the world below the surface, the University’s unique scuba diving programme really tapped into my inner explorer.

Plymouth has an unrivalled location and reputation as a centre for marine biology, with a diverse range of rich coastal habitats – estuaries, sandy beaches, and rocky shores – readily accessible for fieldwork projects.

Marine degrees

Diver in Plymouth Sound
We are campaign hero underwater divers
Group diving shot
Mae Dorricott

Melia: exploring hidden narratives in the echoes of the past

Art has the power to transport you, to make you feel emotions, challenge your perceptions, and change the world.

Studying in the South West is unique. You have all this culture that sometimes feels hidden, like it’s just waiting to be discovered – time capsules from decades gone by, all set in this beautiful landscape.

Melia Crawford
Mayflower Steps Getty Images
Student life burrator reservoir
Mount Edgcumbe