A group of ex offenders who are playing a role in research looking at support for prisoners with mental health problems before and on release.

The Community and Primary Care Research Group are invested in researching mental health in community based settings. People with mental health disorders often live very different lives from the general population. Around 66% live in poverty and isolation, most rate their quality of life as poor, and only 12% are employed. These disparities are related to poor mental health, the side effects of medicines on both physical and mental functioning and ongoing prejudices towards mental illness. 

Our research seeks to address issues around quality of life for those from a variety of backgrounds, whilst putting patient and public involvement at the heart of what we do. Currently within the field of mental health our research includes Partners 2, this is an NIHR funded Programme aiming to help primary care and community based mental health services work more closely together by developing a system of collaborative care based in GP surgeries for people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Our recently completed Engager project also fits within the arm of mental health research, addressing common mental health problems in the offender population.

Our current projects

Our completed projects

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