Financial District. City of London - this view includes Tower 42 Ghekin, Willis Building and Stock Exchange Tower [shutterstock_258129938]
Available to University staff and students, UK sources of funding range from government funded research councils; individual government departments; non-department government bodies; charities, trusts and foundations.
All significant UK research funders provide information about calls on their own websites - which are the authoritative source for details of funding calls and supporting information.
Some sites also provide other notification services for funding and news, including the use of social media, which may suit some users. Access to these is usually via registration on the funder’s main site.
We hold information, guides, hints and tips on some of our major funders in our internal webpages, which University staff and students can access on the portal.
BSc (Hons) International Relations with Spanish

National Institute for Health and Care Research

Visit this page for information on The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), funded by the Department of Health to improve health and social care through research.
NIHR - National Institute for Health Research

Charities and trusts

There are over 8800 grant-making trusts and foundations in the UK. The following are examples of some of the larger trusts​
Alcohol Education & Research Council - provides a wide range of grants including research and development grants
British Academy - for the humanities and social sciences
British Council - helping to share British expertise and talent
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - funds projects in four major strands arts, education and learning, environment and social change 
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - provides research funding for housing, social care and social policy through specific calls
NESTA - (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) - innovation in the UK
Nuffield Foundation - improving social well-being through education, research and innovation
The National Lottery Community Fund - funds health and social research 
The Leverhulme Trust - providing scholarships for research and education. 
The Royal Society - the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, funding various schemes open to the scientific community
The Wellcome Trust - supporting biomedical research and medical humanities. 

Other resources

The following are examples of government sourced or other statutory organisation funding schemes available. 
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)- a statutory levy board with seven sector divisions with funding opportunities
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) - UK's experts on digital technologies for education and research 
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) - commissions and funds NHS, social care and public health research 
Scottish Funding Council (SFC) - promoting further and higher education

Research Professional

Research Professional is a comprehensive online research funding opportunities database and alerting service.
The University has a site licence, so it is freely accessible to everyone on the University campus, or staff and students can login with an account.
*Research Professional